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There are more than 200 results, only the first 200 are displayed here.
As our teams struggle for victory on the playing field, is there a deeper meaning to winning that transcends mere conquest? Could our obsession with triumph be being challenged by a more nuanced understanding of success, encompassing not just the game, but politics, relationships, and the very essence of human connection?
In a society quick to categorize children as either good or bad, reform efforts seem caught in a cyclical battle. Children often fall victim to these broad definitions, especially those from disadvantaged groups. What factors cause these cycles of progress and relapse, and how can lasting reform be achieved?
A Supreme Court judge in Western Australia has banned solitary confinement at Banksia Detention Centre, shining a light on the controversial practices within the nation's juvenile justice centres. Yet, public response remains muted despite the troubling revelations, raising concerns about systemic failures, the need for empathy and societal responsibility towards our youth.
Navigating the murky waters between legality and morality, Robodebt and the prolonged hotel detention of asylum seekers are both marred by the same neglect of human dignity and ethical responsibility, and should spark urgent discussions about our societal attitudes towards the vulnerable and the dire need for an ethical transformation.
As England dances between thrilling success and staggering defeat in this Ashes series, where the English side has embraced an audacious and spirited playstyle, is the future of cricket in the hands of the stern, traditional Elder Son, or should it embrace the flamboyant daring of the Prodigal?
Can Artificial Intelligence write good poetry? While AI has vast linguistic resources to mimic human poets and creating compelling verse, there remains a distinction between competence and true poetic brilliance, mirroring the broader debate around our relationship with AI, and the very essence of human creativity.
In the face of waning support for the Referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, Pope Francis' mission of reconciliation within the Catholic Church, particularly through the Synodal process, inspires a more united and locally-engaged approach.
Observing World Refugee Week and the Referendum on the Voice to Parliament together is appropriate because the First Peoples and later refugees have suffered in similar ways. Jordana Silverstein's latest book draws striking parallels between Australia's colonial past and the modern treatment of refugee children.
Kathleen Folbigg's release, prompted by the discovery of a genetic mutation that created reasonable doubt in her conviction, marks a significant intersection of science and law. However, the case highlights the need to critically assess the weight and limitations of scientific authority in our justice system, acknowledging the inherent uncertainty embedded within human affairs.
Once viewed as the purest and most dependable, public tap water has faced a crisis of confidence due to the proliferation of bottled water and privatisation of water resources. Yet some maintain trust in public water, finding joy in drinking from public taps. Is this faith naive or a testament to the enduring belief in accessible water for all?
In an era where physical gatherings are replaced by virtual meetings and religious processions by online sermons, the Feast of Corpus Christi raises poignant questions. Once a grand demonstration of faith, it has subtly withdrawn from the public eye, leaving us to grapple with the nature of Christ's presence and, more broadly, the concept of human presence.
As we tread the thin line between technological progress and ethical responsibility, King's urgent appeal is for critical reflection on the unchecked march of technology – a timely reminder of the need to retain our intrinsic human characteristics amid relentless digital advancement.
97-108 out of 200 results.